Centaurum Black- chair for discus, bullet and javelin throwing competition aimed at athletes who present with cerebral paralysis
Understanding design as a scientific project discipline that seeks innovative solutions to problems at different scales related to well-being, it is inferred that the designer, as creator of the things of the future, must guarantee that the common goods and the heritage of the generations remain with time. This sensitive idea commits him to the search for innovative solutions within the framework of social inclusion and the construction of citizenship, since the growing population in a situation of disability, excluded in many areas of daily life, falls into marginalization and self-marginalization. It is then the obligation of the designer to find mechanisms to ensure participation in the dynamics of everyday life, which makes design a democratic discipline. Sport is one of those scenarios from which these people usually remain isolated. Centaurum Black was developed to transform it into a mechanism for participation and inclusion of the population in a situation of disability.
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