The generation of waste from packaging and packaging, its reduction and environmental impact.


The generation of waste from packaging and packaging, its reduction and environmental impact.

Boris L. Chávez
Kira Labañino


The generation of solid waste constitutes a serious environmental problem. Inappropriate management can cause unwanted impacts on the environment, contributing to climate change. However, if these wastes are managed properly, they can become resources, thus contributing to the saving of raw materials, the conservation of natural resources, the climate and sustainable development.
Waste, on the other hand, are those remains that do not have any economic value for their owner, but do have commercial value. They can be given a new life cycle, through recovery or recycling.
As methods of prevention and control of the aforementioned elements, good practices can be applied in the production process, an important factor for the prevention and recycling of waste in general.


How to Cite
Chávez, B. L., & Labañino, K. (2022). The generation of waste from packaging and packaging, its reduction and environmental impact. A3manos, 9(16), 58–64. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Boris L. Chávez, Empresa Mixta Compacto Caribe S.A.

Maestría en Gestión e innovación de diseño (2021). Licenciado en Estudios Socioculturales (2015).

Experiencia en el sector del envase y embalaje.

Labora como especialista en la Empresa mixta Compacto Caribe S.A. del Grupo Empresarial de la Industria Ligera (GEMPIL).

Kira Labañino, Empresa Mixta Compacto Caribe S.A.

Maestría en Envase y Embalaje en Septiembre (2016). Ingeniera Industrial (2012). Especialista en envase y embalaje. 

Experiencia en la Industria Gráfica.

Especialista de Calidad en la Empresa Mixta Compacto Caribe S.A. del Grupo Empresarial de la Industria Ligera (GEMPIL).


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• Programa Hogares Verdes (Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente: