Design History: Myth or Reality. Social History of Design.
The history of design has been led from its origins to a sort of myths, trans-mitted through the pages of books, magazines and catalogs. This has reduced its critical role: a legitimizing instrument for the design profession.
The research of historic processes necessarily carries the social researcher to structure and represents its knowledge through explanatory schemes. It is impossible to understand scientifically the subject matter, without recognizing its evolution over time, appreciating how it has behaved and which factors have conditioned its behavior.
?The history of design : myth or reality? seeks to challenge the way in which the contents of the discipline have been visualized; where their critical function as legitimizing instruments is reduced, in an ethical, aesthetic and social sense.
The motives of this study were determined digging into the historiography of the discipline. The absence of a social history of design may form forgetful designers; making their practices blurry, shallow and absent of referents.
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Design Issues, revista digital que se recibe en centro de información del ISDi.