

Alejandro Pampin
Eduardo Dorta Baños


This article addresses some recommendations about the use of surveys in Design research. How to arrive at the conclusion of the need for a survey, its design and the determination of the representative sample, is the central axis of the work. To illustrate the recommendations presented, the ongoing research on the wood selection process for Cuban industrial design, carried out by the authors of the article, is used as an example.


How to Cite
Pampin, A., & Dorta Baños, E. (2024). SURVEYS IN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN DESIGN. A3manos, 12(23). Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Eduardo Dorta Baños, Higher Institute of Design. University of Havana

Graduated as a Mechanical Engineer in the USSR, 1976. Doctor in Military Sciences in the USSR, 1986. He holds several teaching positions in military faculties in Cuba. He has several textbooks and more than 15 published articles. He has been a judge for several national scientific events. He is currently the main professor of undergraduate technical subjects, coordinator of the Master's Degree in "Design Management", member of the Scientific Council, the Doctoral Committee, the Academic Committee of the master's degree, the Teaching Category tribunal; of the court of Social Problems of Science and Technology at the ISDi.


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