Nanoproducts and industrial design: environmental opportunities and risks


Nanoproducts and industrial design: environmental opportunities and risks

Cyntia Molina Gamonal
Antonio Berazaín


Nanoscience and Nanotechnology are experiencing rapid development that covers all spheres of human activity, including industrial design. There are nanoproducts with superior performance than conventional products that open new possibilities for design projects with a reduction in environmental impact. Products based on nanomaterials also contribute to the conservation of the environment in vital issues such as air or water pollution. However, along with these benefits offered by nanotechnology, there are risks that threaten both the environment and the health of living beings, including humans. The present work shows this connection of advantages and disadvantages and some of the measures to evade potential dangers.


How to Cite
Molina Gamonal, C., & Berazaín, A. (2024). Nanoproducts and industrial design: environmental opportunities and risks. A3manos, 11(22). Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Cyntia Molina Gamonal, Higher Institute of Design. University of Havana

Graduated in Industrial Design from the Higher Institute of Design (ISDi) of the University of Havana (UH) in 2020, with the diploma work: Design of recreational structures to promote scientific culture. She has participated as a speaker in scientific events such as the VIII Ibero-American Workshop on University Physics (2019), the XV Symposium of the Cuban Physics Society (2020) and the XI International Design Congress of Havana Forma 2023. She is currently pursuing a master's degree in Design Management attached to the ISDi. His research addresses the selection of nanoproducts in design projects. She is professionally dedicated to Space design.

Antonio Berazaín, Higher Institute of Design. University of Havana

Consulting professor at the Department of Industrial Design of the Higher Institute of Design (ISDi) of the University of Havana. Master in Physics Teaching. He has 50 years of experience in Higher Education, dedicated to the training of teachers and industrial designers. He has held different management positions, such as head of teaching department, vice dean and vice rector. He has participated in a hundred scientific events in Cuba and others countries. He has about 50 publications, in scientific journals or reports of events related to materials science and physics teaching.


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