Design of interior spaces of the Freyre de Andrade university hospital.


Design of interior spaces of the Freyre de Andrade university hospital.

Camila A. Cedeño
Rita G. Puig
Elizett Bermúdez
Lissette Ricardo
Alfredo Rodríguez


Space design solutions are proposed for the lobby-reception areas and hospital admission room type of the General Freyre de Andrade Clinical Surgical Teaching Hospital, also known as the Emergency Hospital; Located in the municipality of Centro Habana, the proposal is adapted to the norms and technical requirements of hospital spaces, also taking into account respect for the patrimonial character of the building and the non-modification of its structural elements. Meanwhile, a solution is proposed that offers the population spaces dedicated to public health that are modernized and appropriate to the contextual environmental conditions of their location.


How to Cite
Cedeño, C. A., Puig, R. G., Bermúdez, E., Ricardo, L., & Rodríguez, A. (2022). Design of interior spaces of the Freyre de Andrade university hospital. A3manos, 10(19), 61–69. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Camila A. Cedeño, Higher Institute of Design. University of Havana.

Fourth year student of the Industrial Design career of the Superior Institute of Design of the University of Havana.

Rita G. Puig, Higher Institute of Design. University of Havana.

Fourth year student of the Industrial Design career of the Superior Institute of Design of the University of Havana.

Elizett Bermúdez, Higher Institute of Design. University of Havana.

Fourth year student of the Industrial Design career of the Superior Institute of Design of the University of Havana.

Lissette Ricardo, Higher Institute of Design. University of Havana.

Professor of the Department of Industrial Design of the Superior Institute of Design of the University of Havana.

Alfredo Rodríguez, Higher Institute of Design. University of Havana.

Industrial Designer, graduated from the Higher Institute of Design (ISDi) with a Gold Title, was distinguished for his work as a teacher and, for all these results, the most comprehensive student of his year. He has been a professor at the ISDi Industrial Design Faculty since his graduation, where he teaches the subjects Design (in the sphere of space), Structure, Resistance of Materials and Project Presentation. He has developed his work mainly in the design of spaces (interior and exterior), set design; he has also developed in communication design (editorial and illustrations).


Directorio de instituciones de Salud de Cuba - hospital clínico quirúrgico docente Freyre de Andrade. (s/f). Sld.Cu. Recuperado de:


ISDi. (2011). RUIDO. NC871:2011.

NC 53-149 – Zonas de encamado de los hospitales generales. (1985). Oficina de normalización.

NC 53-175 – Salas de espera en hospitales. (1987). Oficina de normalización.

NC 8995 S 008 – Iluminación de puestos de traba-jo en interiores. (2003). Oficina de normalización.