Bauhaus women and their legacy to the discourse of the Modern Movement


Bauhaus women and their legacy to the discourse of the Modern Movement

Danay Hernández
Carolina E. Valiente


The objective of the work is to show the professional work of the women representing the Bauhaus, marked by gender discrimination, but deserving of the achievements attributed to the school.

Very little is known about the history of these prolific women because many of them had to face invisibility and lack of recognition for their work. Due to stereotypes of the time they were forced to develop mainly in the textile sphere, however, there were exponents who transcended the barriers of what was considered 'feminine'.

Like their classmates, they were generators of this new discourse from their projects. And although they remained in the background as parts of a couple or their pieces went down in history as products made only by them, they managed to get ahead and work their way without being deterred by the limitations that were imposed on them. The following is a sample of 10 women whose work in art and design was a legacy for the Modern Movement.


How to Cite
Hernández, D., & Valiente, C. E. (2019). Bauhaus women and their legacy to the discourse of the Modern Movement. A3manos, 6(11), 74–81. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Danay Hernández, Instituto Superior de Diseño de la UH

Graduada como Diseñadora de Vestuario en el Instituto Superior de Diseño (ISDi) en 1992. Profesora de Historia del Diseño en el ISDi desde el 2011. Se ha desempeñado como diseñadora gráfica en CUBANACAN y la Editorial de la Mujer. En el proyecto ARTEYLLA es diseñadora de vestuario y textil. Ha participado como ponente en eventos internacionales de Diseño en Cuba y como conferen- cista invitada en Colegio de Arquitectos de Bilbao, España y en la Casa de las Américas.

Carolina E. Valiente, Instituto Superior de Diseño de la UH

Graduada de Diseñadora en el ISDi


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