Historians who mahe history.


Historians who mahe history.

Nisida L. Tejeda


The work addresses essential moments in the life and work of the outstanding historian, stage costume designer, teacher and researcher María Elena Molinet, who was founder and member of the National Council of UNEAC, belonged to UNESCO and the Council of experts of the Directorate of Theater and Dance of the Ministry of Culture and directed during the last year of this life the Center.


How to Cite
Tejeda, N. L. (2022). Historians who mahe history. A3manos, 6(10), 66–69. Retrieved from https://a3manos.isdi.co.cu/index.php/a3manos/article/view/258
Curriculum synthesis

Nisida L. Tejeda, Instituto Superior de Diseño de la UH

Arquitecta. Profesor Auxiliar. Especialidad Diseño de Vestuario. Facultad de Diseño Industrial. ISDi.
Ha presentado trabajos en eventos nacionales e internacionales. Trabajos publicados.




Díaz, E. (2014) María Elena Molinet. Diseño de una Vida. Colección Majadahonda. Centro Cultural Pablo de la Torriente Brau. Ediciones La Memoria. ISBN 978-959-7218-37-1.