Criteria for the analysis of anatomical suitability for the design of industrial objects.


Criteria for the analysis of anatomical suitability for the design of industrial objects.

Diana R. Hernández
Laura B. González


When we interact with an object, we seldom detail what exactly in it, makes us feel more or less satisfied with its use. A good part of that interaction is resolved considering the human anatomy between in contact with the object. These modifications of the contact zones of the objects is known as Anatomical Adequacy. In practice design, anatomical adjustments are the responsibility of the designer, however, the research related to the subject, it is unsuccessful, having to search for information into other areas of study, such as biomechanics, physiology or anthropometry. The intentions of this research are to lay bases of anatomical studies for the Industrial Design of Products. The goal for the research is to characterize the analysis criteria of the Anatomical Adequacy for the design of industrial products; the achievement of which is the result of the use of methods and techniques such as analysis and synthesis, induction- deduction, documentary analysis and content analysis. Results was, a new definition of the term Anatomical Adequacy and a proposal of criteria for the Anatomical Adequacy studies for product design, separated into three structures: objectives, anatomical criteria and products criteria. The application of the research results, may be in the academic framework and in the design project activity. Discussion is submitting the relevance of the criteria described, and their integration into the Design process



How to Cite
Hernández, D. R., & González, L. B. (2019). Criteria for the analysis of anatomical suitability for the design of industrial objects. A3manos, 6(10), 47–52. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Diana R. Hernández, Instituto Superior de Diseño de la UH

Graduada de Diseñadora Industrial 2009-2010 en el ISDi. Comenzó su vida laboral como Especialista III en Investigación, Innovación y Desarrollo, en el Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Simuladores; después de categorizarse como profesora asistente, comenzó a trabajar en el ISDi a tiempo parcial, impartiendo clases de Ergonomía I y II. En el 2013 se incorpora a tiempo completo en el Instituto. Actualmente con categoría de profesora Auxiliar, imparte varias asignaturas y es jefa de la Disciplina de Diseño Industrial. Dirige el proyecto Scarlata. Registrada en la ONDI y en la ACCS. Titulada Máster en Gestión e Innovación de Diseño (2018).

Laura B. González, Instituto Superior de Diseño de la UH

Graduada de Diseño Industrial 2017-2018 en el ISDi. Comenzó su vida laboral como Profesora Adiestrada en el ISDi a tiempo completo, impartiendo varias asignaturas como Diseño Industrial III, IV y V indistintamente; así como Ergonomía II y Comunicación de Proyectos. En el 2020 alcanza la categorización de Instructor y actualmente imparte las asignaturas de Diseño Industrial IV y Ergonomía III. Registrada en la ONDi.


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