The visual identity in a university publisher


The visual identity in a university publisher

Jorge L. Rodríguez


This paper responds to a particular need in the field of graphic arts, which includes the difficulties encountered during the analysis of the sources studied. It addresses the particularities of the graphic quality of the book cover designs of Editorial Feijoo, as well as their identifier. It shows in a precise and objective way the fundamental visual, aesthetic and communicative problems present in the editorial process. Considerations and procedures are exposed that allow characterizing the formal and conceptual state of the book cover design in the observed samples, from the dimensions: function, norm and value. It also contributes to define a theoretical-methodological structure that allows the development of actions for elaboration of a new editorial profile and a new identifier.



How to Cite
Rodríguez, J. L. (2019). The visual identity in a university publisher. A3manos, 6(10), 42–46. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Jorge L. Rodríguez, Universidad de La Habana

Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Profesor de la Academia de Bellas Artes San Alejandro de la Universidad de las Artes y de la Facultad de Periodismo de la Universidad de La Habana. Nominado en cuatro ocasiones al Premio Nacional de Diseño del Libro. Premio Anual del Arte de Diseño del Libro Raúl Martínez. Autor de los libros: Diseño, diseñar, diseñado; Morante un maestro indispensable.


INSTITUTO CUBANO DEL LIBRO (ICL) (2008). Resumen estadístico 2008. La Habana, Cuba: Instituto Cubano del Libro. p. 4.

RODRÍGUEZ, M. del C. La labor editorial de Samuel Feijóo en la Universidad Central «Marta Abreu» de Las Villas (1958-1968). En: ISLAS. Santa Clara, Cuba: Universidad Central «Marta Abreu» de Las Villas, 2003; 45 (135): 133.

RODRÍGUEZ, J. L. Entrevista al Dr. C. Misael Moya Méndez sobre la Editorial Feijóo, La Habana, Cuba: [s.n.], 2012.