Visual Identity System of the National Assembly of People's Power: an experience that from the design validates the Law of National Symbols in Cuba


Visual Identity System of the National Assembly of People's Power: an experience that from the design validates the Law of National Symbols in Cuba

Alejandro Escobar


From the detection by the communication team of the National Assembly of People's Power (ANPP) of the need to renew their visual identity to comply with the provisions of the Law of National Symbols in Cuba, a design project was developed to provide the Cuban parliament with a new institutional image. The work focused on the fact that the National Coat of Arms as a national symbol happened to have the leading role and hierarchy that corresponds to it. To do this, a new identifying symbol was designed for the ANPP in order to coexist with the Shield, as established in the aforementioned Law. In unison, a complete system of institutional visual communications was created, which was lacking until that moment. This article presents the work process carried out between communicators, designers and managers for the realization of the new visual identity of Parliament. In addition, it reflects on the importance of the fact that the Design activity has been able to validate a Law which, despite its validity, was not respected at the country level.



How to Cite
Escobar, A. (2019). Visual Identity System of the National Assembly of People’s Power: an experience that from the design validates the Law of National Symbols in Cuba . A3manos, 6(10), 20–24. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Alejandro Escobar, Instituto Superior de Diseño de la UH

La Habana, 1981. Graduado del Instituto Superior de Diseño de la Universidad de La Habana en 2007. Desde ese mismo año se desempeña como docente en ese centro y actualmente es Profesor Auxiliar, Jefe de Disciplina y Profesor Principal de las asignaturas Diseño de Signos Gráficos y Diseño de Programas. Es miembro del Comité de Expertos de la Oficina Nacional de Diseño (ONDi) y forma parte de la Presidencia de la Asociación Cubana de Comunicadores Sociales (ACCS). Como diseñador se ha especializado en las áreas de Identidad Visual, Señalética, Campaña, Editorial y Cartelística.


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