Books for Alice. An approach to the illustrations.


Books for Alice. An approach to the illustrations.

Xavier Meade


The Kauri Project is an ongoing initiative to use art as a language for raising awareness and promoting understanding of kauri dieback disease and the scientific, cultural, social and economic contexts that inform kauri’s current situation. To this end, where possible, The Kauri Project is working in collaboration with The Kauri Dieback Management Programme ( By linking artists with iwi, scientists, and other researchers, the goal is for art to become a tool for activism and education, not just about kauri dieback, but also wider environmental concerns.



How to Cite
Meade , X. (2018). Books for Alice. An approach to the illustrations. A3manos, 5(9), 110–115. Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Xavier Meade , Universidad de Sonora

Graduado de Arquitectura en la Universidad Anahuac, con maestría en la Universidad de Auckland, Nueva Zelanda, reside en este país desde el año de 1980. Es miembro activo del equipo de investigación de Mediarts como artista, colaborador en publicaciones de arte y diseño. Ha participado en conferencias nacionales e internacionales sobre el tema de la educación del diseño sostenible y la gráfica política.

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