The design of pieces of visual communication with messages about GLBTI collectives. Your speeches.
This article is presented as the result of an analysis of graphic pieces that show how graphic resources are handled when producing GLBTI messages, and how they are influenced in their representations by social communications, by various factors that determine the responses that originate from the activity of the Visual Communication design.
Part of a qualitative study of pieces designed to address these issues about, from and for GLBTI, using for such study techniques such as: observationcomparison, content analysis and literature review.
In the same one it is observed as the communications, values and social models condition the answers of design consciously or unconsciously, putting in doubt the true independent capacity and of self-management with social responsibility of the design for the social transformation.
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- ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contribution under the same license as the original. NOTE: This point applies to numbers 1 to 20 of the magazine with the previous CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. Does not apply to the new CC BY-NC 4.0 license from Volume 11, Number. 21 (2024).
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