Wanda Grimsgaard is a Professor of Visual Communication at USN School of Business, University of South-Eastern Norway, and author of the book Design and Strategy. She was educated at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts as a graphic designer. Her background consists of many years of experience in the design industry, where she has worked on the development of identities for companies, products, or services. Since becoming a professor in 2012, she has focused on writing, researching, and teaching about strategic design. Grimsgaard's primary area of research lies at the intersection of strategy and design, with the aim of bridging the two.
Design and Strategy is a practical handbook that bridges the gap between strategy and design. It presents a step-by-step design process with a strategic approach and extensive methods for innovation, strategy development, design methodology and problem solving. It is an effective guide to planning and implementing design projects to ensure strategic anchoring of the process and outcome.
Built around a six-part phase structure that represents the design process, covering initial preparations and project briefing, research and analysis, targets and strategy, concept development, prototyping and modelling, production and delivery, it is a must-have resource for professionals and students. Readers can easily dip in and out of sections, using the phase structure as a navigation tool. Unlike other books on the market, Design and Strategy addresses the design process from the perspective of both the company and the designer. For businesses, it highlights the value of design as a strategic tool for positioning, competition and innovation. For the designer, it teaches how to create solutions that are strategically anchored and deliver successful outcomes for businesses, resulting in appreciative clients. It includes over 250 illustrations and diagrams, tables, and text boxes showing how to move through each stage with clear visualisation and explanation.
This book encourages all designers in product design and manufacturing, service design, communication design, branding, and advertising, to think beyond shape and colour to see design through the lens of strategy, process and problem solving, and all business managers, innovators and developers, to see the value in strategic design outcomes.
Reference: Grimsgaard, W. (2023). Design and Strategy. A Step-by-Step Guide. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon
Design and Strategy (2023) is a translated and fully revised second edition from the Norwegian language: Design og Strategi by Wanda Grimsgaard © Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2018, with new material and empiricism.
Main abstract and chapter abstracts:
Publisher: Routledge, Taylor
and Francis Group, London and New York.
Paperback: ISBN
Hardback: ISBN
eBook: ISBN